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By using the online service of Jacqueline Parker Creative's Recommended Stylists ( you acknowledge that this is a separate service to any hairstyling or makeup services that may be provided to you by Anna Marcus (ABN 71971553348) and Jacqueline Parker Creative do not represent that business in any capacity, other than to facilitate recommending you their service.

Please ensure this stylist is suitable for your requirements and you are happy with their portfolio, terms of service and pricing before booking.

Although this stylist has been thoroughly vetted and to the best of our knowledge will provide you with a great service, Jacqueline Parker Creative can not and do not assume any liability for the work or service being provided to you by Anna Marcus.

By ticking the check box on Jacqueline Parker Creative's Recommended Stylists booking form, you agree to indemnify Jacqueline Parker Creative against any potential losses, injuries, damages, costs, claims and actions that may arise as a result of engaging a stylist recommended by Jacqueline Parker Creative. Please also note that by making your booking we have assumed implied consent to add you to our mailing list. Please email us at if you wish to be removed, or use the unsubscribe button in any emails sent.


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